Month: May 2013

No B.S. Marketing Letter

Yippee!  I just received my No B.S. Marketing Letter from GKIC for May.  If you’re not familiar with GKIC, it stands for Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle and was founded by Dan Kennedy (Visit: to try the No B.S. Marketing Letter for two months… FREE!!).  He is the mecca of Direct-Response Marketing. Each month my No […]

Offer A Gosh-Darn-It Guarantee

Is that a Guarantee I see? Oh, the joys of marketing.  Look to your left, look to your right, what do you see?  Crap-tacular marketing everywhere with no guarantee. Do you not believe in your product/service to offer a guarantee?  I know what you’re all saying… “But, David… I believe in my product/service but customers will […]