Just remember: “Time times never last, but tough people do.” -Robert Schuller Keep Moving Forward!
Month: June 2013
Admit it. You Are A PROCRASTINATOR. Hey now, don’t get all defensive… I’m a procrastinator too, so you’re in good company. 😀 Some days I don’t have the motivation to write a sales letter or marketing campaign. Heck, some days I don’t feel like doing anything (like cleaning the house, yard work, washing the car, […]
So, I just mailed off my first 3D mailing I created for my boss. It’s in a 9 x 12 brown envelope with a sales letter, booklet, and a mini Rubik’s Cube. <——Check out the picture to the left. This is part of a 3-step campaign. The first step was a postcard […]
I absolutely LOVE Nike’s slogan: “Just Do It!” How often are you trying to create a new marketing campaign or ad, but other tasks get in the way and you never get done what you started out to do? Quite often I bet. Just Do It Sometimes you just got to do it. Don’t wait […]
Get out of your comfort zone and take charge! Start living today!
Where Is The Offer One thing that I hate seeing about advertisements is… most businesses never offer anything. Nothing, nada, zip. One of the key components to Direct-Response Marketing is ALWAYS having an offer in all of your advertising. Whether it’s postcards, ads in a magazine or paper, website, flyers, brochures, etc. always have an […]
If you’re new to Direct-Response Marketing the best books to pick up are the No B.S. series by Dan Kennedy. I’ve read most of his books and they are jammed pack with information (You may remember I talked about the No B.S. Newsletter in an earlier post which you can check out by Clicking Here). […]
If you like writing your own ads and sales letters then you’ll love How to Write a Good Advertisement by Victor Schwab. Schwab says there are five fundamentals in writing good advertisements: 1. Get Attention 2. Show People an Advantage 3. Prove It 4. Persuade People to Grasp This Advantage 5. Ask for Action Let’s […]
I love this quote from Jim Rohn. You have to take control of your own life plan. Go out in the world and get a little muddy, get your knees scraped up, go succeed!
3D? COOL! So, I’ve decided to test some 3D mail for our real estate biz to increase our listings. What’s 3D mail you ask? Well, it’s about making your mailings stand out. Instead of a sales letter in a flat envelope, you put something that is 3D to make the mailing lumpy. Tell me, would you […]