Month: July 2013

Now That Was A GREAT Time

          Wow!  My wife and I had a GREAT time on vacation this past week. Every year we visit my dad in Virginia Beach. There is always something new and fun to do. This year, the hit of the vacation was when my wife decided she wanted to go zip lining (You […]

I’m Going Ape!

  It’s true.  I’m going ape and I LOOOVE IT! You see, I’m going on vacation next week to visit my dad in Virginia Beach (be jealous), and my wife wants to go zip lining.  So, as we were searching for places to go zip lining, we came across a place called Go Ape (  <——–Check it […]

Missing Monday Post

Oh no! I didn’t have a Monday post for all of you readers.  Eeeeeeek! Oh, don’t cry.  You know why?  Because there is an all new post coming to you on Wednesday.  Isn’t that fantastic?!  (everyone cheering) Yeah!  Anywho, I will see you all back here on Wednesday. Toodeloo!