“A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” -Steve Jobs What a great quote. How many times have you bought something that you didn’t think you needed until you tried it?
Month: August 2013
Despite what you hear from the marketing gurus, Cold Calling is NOT dead. BUT, do you really want to make cold calls, or would you rather prospects pick up the phone and call you? You’d rather the prospects pick up the phone and call you (I’m a mind reader! […]
Let’s be real… We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Sure, it seems like some people have 327 hours in a day and others have 2 hours in a day, but we all have 24 hours in a day. So, how do top performers, CEOs, the ones who are succeeding, […]
Soooo true!
It’s official… My wife and I are officially members of the ZooKeepers’ Circle (Explorers’ Club) for the Cleveland Zoological Society (Thank you Sally!!)! Visit: www.ClevelandZoologicalSociety.org This means we get to go on private tours of the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, listen in on special speakers, and learn all about the animals! Last night my wife and I […]
I’ve been sending out my 3D mail campaign , <—-click to see when I started this campaign, since June 17, 2013, so it’s only going on two months. I haven’t sent to too many expired listings (I only send to houses priced at $200,000 or more in the areas I normally sell). I’ve sent out a total […]
If you haven’t noticed, I’m a huge Dan Kennedy fan. He is a top Direct-Response Marketing & Copywriting guru. The elite, best of the best. If you have ever read his book, No B.S. Direct Marketing, Dan talks about his marketing triangle. You need to get the RIGHT MESSAGE to the RIGHT MARKET […]
I think it’s pretty self-explanatory. I should follow this advice…
STOP IT! Yeah, you read that right. STOP IT! Stop going on your Facebook every 10 seconds to see that your “friends” hate their jobs, and that they need money because they blew all of their money at the bar last night. STOP IT! Stop going on your Facebook to […]
Do you want to know the difference between Winners and Losers? Yes? Good, because I’m going to tell you. WINNERS TAKE ACTION Winners take action. Winners make things happen. Yeah, so what you implement isn’t “perfect” or the best looking thing. But, you know what? You took action! That’s better than being a […]