Month: March 2016

Back-to-the-Basics: FOCUS

I’ll tell ya, Cleveland has some crazy weather. Yesterday when I woke up it was snowing pretty good (I guess mother nature didn’t get the memo that it’s Spring).  Looked like we had about half an inch to an inch of the white stuff all over the yard.  By the afternoon… it was all gone.  […]

[Postcard Example] Can You Guess What This Postcard Is Marketing???

A couple days ago I received a postcard in the mail.  It was a 4.25″ x 5.5″ sized postcard, which means teeny-tiny. I couldn’t help by noticed the front of the postcard with the pictures on it.  I was wondering what services this postcard is marketing and, besides the pictures, the only word on the front is ‘SPRING.’  After […]