3D Mail Campaign Update = Success


3D Mail is the way to go!

3D Mail is the way to go!

If you have been following my progress with the 3D Mail Campaign (You can get previous posts by Clicking Here), then you know I have been working on the 3D Mail Campaign since June of 2013.

It’s been a slow and steady ride, but it’s finally starting to pay off.  I’ve sent to a total of 64 expired listings.  I’m picky when I send out the 3D Mailings… I don’t send to any houses below $200,000, I check all houses to make sure they are not vacant, short-sales, or foreclosures (We {Sally and I} don’t want to deal with them.  We are “choosing” who we want as clients).

Here is how it breaks down:

  • 7 of the expired listings just started on the campaign (sent postcards on January 2);
  • 2 of the expired listings are on the second round (Rubik’s Cube & Home Sellers’ Guide);
  • 18 of the listings either relisted, sold, or were returned to me because no forwarding address;
  • 37 of the listings made it all the way through to the third round (Trash Can);
  • 2 responded;
  • 1 listing!

Finally!  We got our first listing with the 3D Mail Campaign.  List price… $750,000.  Possible total commission… $37,000 (Note:  Total commission is before commission is split between broker and agent, and co-broke if applicable).

Not too shabby if I do say so myself. 

The total cost to mail each campaign (all three steps) to an expired listing is $8.35.  That’s for paper, color printing, Rubik’s Cubes, Trash Cans, envelops, labels, and postage.   Once all is said and done I will have spent under $1,000.  If I don’t get anymore listings, and this one property sells, I would say this 3D Mailing was a success!  Can’t argue with results.

Now I just want to say… don’t be afraid to spend some money and try something new (Check out my supplier at 3DMailMarketing.com).  I didn’t know if this 3D Mail Campaign would work, but I gave it a go and I learned a lot along the way.  My next batch will have updated sales letters (test, test, test), and possibly new 3D products!  And, I can tell you one thing, NO ONE in my area is doing 3D Mail.  I think they’re crazy (David shakes his head).

Comment below to share any results you have with 3D Mail.  I’d love to hear from you!

Also, don’t forget to check out my supplier at 3DMailMarketing.com to get all of your 3D mail products and grabbers.

Now go take action!


  1. Great Stuff Dave!

    how much did the “trash cans” cost individually – both piece, insert and mail.

    1. Thanks, Shariyf!

      I paid $1.55 per trash can (You can get them from my affiliate at http://www.3DMailMarketing.com. The more you buy the cheaper the price goes, but I went with the minimum because I was in the testing phase), 14 cents for printing the sales letter, and $2.07 for first class postage (it’s considered a package from the USPS).

      Are you going to be sending out 3D mail? I think my next test will be sending out “bank bags.”

  2. Yeah I definitely will be doing 3D mail!

    I have a question, do you think it makes a difference if you are handwriting the envelopes or not once you are doing 3D mail. I ask this because of scalability. I was thinking once you send someone a 3D mail piece they will open it regardless if the label was printed or typed. So if I was doing lets say 1,000 or more and wanted to save time, and my hand, i could print the labels and probably have the same effectiveness.

    What do you think?

    And Also have you thought about integrating Facebook commenting versus this version. The only reason I ask is because you have great information and when someone comments on your article, such as myself, it automatically pops up on the feed and more people can see your blog!

    1. I don’t think the open rate would be any different between handwriting and printing. I handwrite the addresses on my mailings, but I’m not sending out a lot at a time, so it doesn’t take anytime at all. If I were doing 1,000, like you, I’d have all of the addresses printed. Heck, I’d open up a 3D mailing if I got one that said “Current Resident.”

      If you got a bank bag in the mail would you care if the label was handwritten or printed? Neither would I. Same with the trashcan. I’d open it right up to see what’s inside! 🙂

      What type of business are you in?

      Hmmmm…. I never thought about the Facebook commenting. Every time I come to a blog that has the Facebook Commenting I never leave a comment. I think it’s because I try to have some privacy. But, it is interesting that you mention it. I never new that it automatically goes on to their feed. I’ll have to look into it. Thanks for the pointer!

  3. Teriffic work David.

    I love your enthusiasm and you do more than just talk about taking action – your own videos and blog posts about your field work are proof.

    Another thing – there are people who are reading books on selling and marketing (which is great) – and then setting themselves up as ‘Marketing Consultants’ to teach small-busines owners about … you guessed it, sales and marketing.

    Scariest thing is some of these folk have never sold a brass-rahzoo in their lives.

    You – on the other hand – are not like them.

    Who would have thought that by actually DOING selling and marketing in the real world gives people like you (and me) a point-of-difference over others?

    Your website is looking good too!

    1. Thanks for the support, Mike! It keeps me motivated. 🙂

      I used to be one of those people who would read books on marketing, business, etc., but I would never take action. That all changed when I realized I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So what if I spend some money on marketing and it flops. Life is all about the learning experience.

      It’s true, you and I see things differently than people who never take action. I go through life with eyes wide open.

  4. Did you call them on the phone? How much time did you wait between each piece.
    Did you ever go to their door?

    Since your post are you still using the 3d mail system?

    1. Hi Karen,

      I recently stopped using the 3D mail for real estate since I’m retiring from real estate sales end of November (after 6.5 years), so I can concentrate 100% on my marketing/consulting business (I still use 3D mail for this… the bank bags are my favorite). I’m also in the process of putting together a real estate agent marketing kit using postcards and 3D mail.

      No, I never followed up with a call or went to their door (that’s why I learned marketing so I wouldn’t have to!). But… if you’re not afraid to make the cold-calls, then go for it! It’s been tested that following up with a phone call increases the success rate of any marketing campaign.

      So, let’s say I just found an expired listing I want to mail to (We’ll use today’s date). So, I’d get a postcard out in the mail today. Next week… on October 28, I would mail the 2nd step (Of course, I check to make sure it hasn’t re-listed, and make sure I don’t receive the postcard back… No point in going on to steps 2 and 3 if the first one never makes it). Then, if I don’t get a response from the sellers, I mail the trash can on November 11 (again… make sure they haven’t re-listed).

      You could always add more steps, or like you said, follow up after the trash can with a phone call.

      I’d love to hear about your results if you do your own 3D mail campaign. 🙂 Let me know if you have any other questions.

      1. David I love the message in letter. Is it possible for you to send me sample message you used? I live by the shore and this is perfect.I need a sample just to get me started if possible. Also do you label the bottle and send it out like that? or do you put it in a box?
        Thank you .

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