So, I’ve decided to test some 3D mail for our real estate biz to increase our listings. What’s 3D mail you ask? Well, it’s about making your mailings stand out. Instead of a sales letter in a flat envelope, you put something that is 3D to make the mailing lumpy. Tell me, would you through away an envelope that has a big bulge in it? Of course not! You’re going to open it to find out what’s inside.
How well is it going to work? Well, I guess we’ll find out. I just received my Rubik’s Cubes in the mail and now I’m waiting for my little trash cans. Oh, and there are plenty of other options I could have done, but I’m starting with these cool little thingies.
I will be sending these out with a sales letter to expired listings in the neighborhoods we want and the neighborhoods that know us. The goal is for a great response since nobody, and I mean NOBODY else in our area is doing anything like this.
I’ll be posting the results as they come in, but it’s not going to be a huge BANG right off the bat. We may only have one or two good expired listings that we want to sent our 3D mail to. But, who knows… we get start getting calls right away!
Also, I’ll take a picture once I have everything in order so you can see what I’m sending, but I’m going to keep the sales letters a secret… for now. 🙂
Has anyone out in cyberspace done any 3D mailings? If so, what did you send and what were your results? Do share!
Now go take action!