
Howdy!  Welcome to Duke of Marketing.  I’m your host, David Hunter.

Relaxin' on the Broad Bay in Virginia Beach, VA

Relaxin’ on the Broad Bay in Virginia Beach, VA

Yep, that’s me above.

I’m a Realtor turned Direct-Response Marketer / Copywriter, and I’m here to teach you about Direct-Response Marketing and Copywriting that actually get results (Keyword there is… GETS RESULTS.  Most marketing is “one-and-done” and ends up in the trash). 

I’ve been studying Direct-Response and Copywriting since August 2012, and haven’t looked back!  It’s amazing when you can track results to see what works and what flops.

Travis and Me

Travis Lee w/ 3D Mail (www.3DMailMarketing.com) and Me at the GKIC Fast Implementation Bootcamp

I keep seeing ads from businesses that are just downright awful, and I hate cold calling to get new business.  That’s why I created this blog, to help you, the business owner / entrepreneur, create marketing that actually works without ever having to cold call again (You want to be the welcomed guest, not the annoying pest)!

Now this is what I call LIVING!

Now this is what I call LIVING!

I’m always reading and will never stop learning so I can provide you with the best information possible.

If you ever have any questions, you can use the contact form to get in touch with me or click the “Call Me” button in the header to reach me by phone.

As you can tell from the pictures, I enjoy living life to the fullest and taking some risks.  I get high on life!

Time will flash before your eyes, so you better enjoy what you have.

Here’s a quote I made up a few years ago that I think about a lot… “You can’t control time, but you can control what you do with your time.”  Take a few minutes and think about it. 

Parasailing in Virginia Beach, VA

Parasailing in Virginia Beach, VA

Our time is ticking, so we can either sit on our rear ends and do nothing, or we can grasp the bull by its horns and enjoy the ride.  What are you going to do?

Not only can your business succeed, but you can SUCCEED too.

Play the game of life and WIN!

Now go take ACTION!



**David Hunter, founder and publisher of DukeOfMarketing.com, is featured in Dan Kennedy’s No B.S. Gold Letter, December 2013 (see below), for a real estate postcard he helped create that had a 5,473% return on investment (ROI). CLICK HERE (Yes, this is a big, bad, scary affiliate link, so, if you buy something, I will make a little Starbucks money so I can get my Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino. Mmmm…) to try a 2 month FREE membership which includes, the No B.S. Marketing Letter, No B.S. Gold Letter, CD interview of the month (with transcript), Million Dollar Swipe File, Access to “Members Only” social site with back issues of the No B.S. Letters (includes the December 2013 issue so you can read about yours truly), and much much more!**

Gold Letter December 2013-1 Gold Letter December 2013-2