Happy Thursday, y’all.
I wanted to share with you a pretty neat graphic creator that helps you create Headlines, Buy Now Buttons, Belcher Buttons, and Guarantee Boxes.
Best part is there’s no opt-in required! Just go to the site and start creating what you need from templates already in place. All you need to do is pick your fonts, sizes, colors, & placements (you can have lines, guarantee badges, etc. and place them where you want), then save as a JPEG or PNG file.
You can then upload it to your website or use it on some offline marketing sales letters, postcards, or whatever else you’d like to use them for.
I’m not a very good graphic designer, so this graphic creator has really helped me out. Here’s a guarantee box I created for a copy of the No B.S. Direct Marketing Book by Dan Kennedy I offer:
There were many other designs, fonts, colors, etc. to choose from, but this is what I came up with.
Here’s the link so you can quickly and easily start creating your own graphics to use with your marketing: http://marketinginunderwear.com/freegraphiccreator/
TIP: When using the Graphic Creator, be sure to write you headlines/guarantee boxes on some writing software like Word or Notepad (or use a pen and paper) so you can just copy and paste. If you write everything directly in the boxes and then decide to try different fonts you’ll lose what you just wrote. How do I know? It happened to me… twice (learn from my mistakes).
Here’s another one I found that just creates Call-to-Action buttons: http://buttonoptimizer.com/
Both are really easy to use. Makes your life easier so you don’t have to learn HTML or Photoshop.
Have fun playing around!
Oh, and if you ever come across cool gadgets you think would help others out, please let me know so I can share it with others.
Now go take action!