What the… could it really be… has the Duke of Marketing returned?
Well, define “returned.”
After a much needed break and some soul searching of life, the Duke of Marketing really has returned and is ready to get back in the driver seat and help you take your marketing to a whole new level!
So here’s what you can look forward to in 2019…
Videos! I’ve only done a few videos before, but will start incorporating more marketing videos for your viewing pleasure.
Mail Critiques! I love doing critiques on the mail I receive. Some are good. Some are bad. And… some are just plain UGLY.
Marketing Tips/Tricks! As I continue learning more and more about marketing (Here’s a tip: Never-EVER stop learning) I’m going to provide you with articles on what I learn.
Notes! I’m bringing back the monthly notes/recaps of the No B.S. Marketing Letter (If you haven’t heard, the marketing guru Millionaire Marker himself… Dan Kennedy, is back with full reigns of the No B.S. Marketing Letter!!!! You can get your first copy here: www.NoBSMarketingLetter.com), and notes on general marketing products and books.
So there you have it. A quick little run down on what you can start expecting. And, be on the look out for the first video coming to you soon! It has to do with real live mail (Yes, the stuff that goes into a mailbox… You know, that tall slender thing at the end of your driveway…).
Oh, and if there’s ever anything marketing related that you would like to see on here just send me a message or comment below.
Now go take action!