I just got back from a great 4 day weekend visiting my dad in VA Beach. Although I left Cleveland and it was sunny and in the 70s, and VA Beach was nothing but rain, it was still a great time to see my dad.
So, as a side tip… spend as much time with your family as you can, because someday you won’t be able to.
Now Back-to-the-Basics. One thing Dan Kennedy always says is:
“Leaders are Readers.”
Dan says it all the time. You got to read. While reading any book or article, notice how a lot of authors quote other authors. Hmm… where’d that get that idea from?!
Now, you may be saying, “But Daaavid. I don’t have time to read.” Sure you do! Turn off the boob tube for a half hour or wake up a half hour earlier. There, I just found time!
And, I’m going to leave you with a quote from the late, motivational speaker Jim Rohn: “Poor people have big TVs. Rich people have big libraries.”
Which do you have?
Now go take action and read a book (Jim Rohn’s Twelve Pillars is a great read)!