Yippee!! The Cleveland Browns won!! Can we finally make it all the way this year?… I guess we’ll find out.
It was a beautiful, sunny weekend here in Cleveland. Weather finally turned cool and we’re starting to get ready for the snow (no worries, snow won’t happen to November… well, sometimes October).
Anywho, are you ready for some Back-to-the-Basics with Dan Kennedy?! I bet you are!
Recently, I was reading The Dan Kennedy Letter (in the No B.S. Marketing Letter), and Dan was talking about how you have to make it easy for your prospects and customers to contact you.
So, the short story… Dan received a book written by a GKIC member, and the author was asking for feedback about his book (it’s a marketing book for real estate agents on how to get more listings using direct-mail… Now, that’s my cup ‘o tea).
Not too bad to ask for a review, right? Well, here comes the problem. In the book, the only contact information the author provided was a… get ready for it… an email address. Yep, that was it. No phone number. No fax. No Address. Nothing, nadda, zip! And, to make matters worse, this was a book on DIRECT-MAIL, yet the author only wants you to contact him via online methods (that’s another whole lesson in itself).
And, guess what?!! Dan doesn’t use the internet and he doesn’t have an email address. So, the guy gets NO response. Yikes! Who knows what kind of valuable information Dan would have provided. But, it turned out to be a great lesson for all of us, in fact it’s a Back-to-the-Basics lesson!
As you can tell, I make it pretty easy for anyone to contact me. Mostly, anyone who contacts me first does via email. But, I give three options in the “contact” tab above (email, phone, and mailing address).
Are you guilty with not making it easy for your prospects and customers to contact you? Feel free to share you stories in the comments section below.
Now go take action!
Great post.
My one story goes like, if you going toblisted, hace it.
Years ago we used fax machine to receive notes primarily from clinics and such.
Well as technology for me just i forgot to delete my fax number from the footers on my templates. Well, there’s the few doctors that are like Dan. And if course they are the top notch in their field.
So, I missed a potential doctor referral. However it for me closer to his front desk as I was able to sort the confusion out with them for future business referrals.
Hey JCarlos,
Thanks for sharing! So, the doctor faxed and you never saw the fax until later? Well, at least you were able to sort out the confusion. Lesson learned, eh?! 🙂