Back-to-the-Basics: There Will Always Be…

Welcome back to another “Back-to-the-Basics” Monday with Dan Kennedy… Brought to you by little ‘ole me, the Duke of Marketing.

We’re really getting back to the basics today.  This is Dan’s #1 rule, of his 10 rules to transforming your business into a more powerful direct marketing business.

Can you guess what is it???






Whelp, what did you say?!

Yep, I think you got it!

Dan, what do you say?

“There will ALWAYS be an Offer or Offers.”


Every marketing piece you send out MUST have an offer or offers (yep, you can have more than 1 offer).

You don’t just want your business name and number on your marketing pieces… you want to give your prospects, customers, clients, and patients a reason to respond.  And, while you give them a reason to respond, give them a reason to respond RIGHT NOW (Rule #2)!

So, if you haven’t already, start incorporating offers into your marketing today.

Now go take action!

*If you’d like to learn more about Dan Kennedy’s 10 No B.S. Direct Marketing rules, send me an email at and I’ll send you the first chapter for FREE, and you’ll discover the other 8 No B.S Direct Marketing rules and you’ll learn about the Results Marketing Triangle (You must get this triangle right EVERY TIME you send out a marketing piece).

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