Category: Back-to-the-Basics

Two Of The Best Marketing Principles From 2,000 Years Ago

I haven’t done a ‘Back-to-the-Basics’ in awhile, but I was reading Rick Warren’s book Purpose Driven Church (Recommended by the Millionaire Maker Marketing Genius… Dan Kennedy… and when Dan recommends you read something you read it!), and it is full of marketing genius! But two things really caught my eye that applies to marketing in general, and will apply to […]

Boo! Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Today the little ghouls and goblins will be running around the streets collecting candy from unsuspecting victims!  ha, well, not really unsuspecting victims but still… Which brings me to… holidays!  If you’re ever stuck looking for marketing ideas then you can always count on holidays. I want to share with you this email […]

Don’t Force Your Prospects To Think

Welcome back to another ‘Back-to-the-Basics’ Monday!  I’m your host, the Duke of Marketing, David Hunter (say it in a nice French accent, ha).  Reviewing John Caples copywriting book, Making Ads Pay, I stumbled across a great saying. John said:  “Don’t force the reader to think.  Do his thinking for him.” Ah, yes!  We mere humans […]