Category: Email Marketing

Boo! Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Today the little ghouls and goblins will be running around the streets collecting candy from unsuspecting victims!  ha, well, not really unsuspecting victims but still… Which brings me to… holidays!  If you’re ever stuck looking for marketing ideas then you can always count on holidays. I want to share with you this email […]

Kick Butt Copywriting Exercise That Will Make Or Break Your Sales Letters

Here’s a great copywriting exercise originally, written in April 2015, you should be doing so you can write those killer sales letters that bring in loads of customers and clients!! Try it out! Last week I bought the great late Gary Halbert’s How to Write a Sales Letter that Will Make You Rich Seminar Transcript. […]

4 Key Secrets To Creating The Framework To Your Marketing Campaigns

Cleveland is on FIRE!!!!  The Indians are going to the World Series!!!  Wow.  Great time to be living in Cleveland… you know, because we actually have winning sports teams, Dan Kennedy lives here, and… I live here!  🙂 Ah, great times. Anywho, today I want to talk to you about the 4 key secrets to […]

Does Each Piece In Your Marketing Campaign Have Its Own Objective?

Just a little throw back Thursday from June of 2015 (with voice recording). Did you know that each piece in your marketing campaign needs to have it’s own objective? Read and listen below to learn more about having an objective for each piece of your marketing campaign. Enjoy! Seems most people only think about the […]

Notes From The Total Business Growth Accelerator Livecast

So for the past week I sent out a few emails to you about the no-cost Total Business Growth Accelerator livecast that Dave Dee (Marketing Genius) of GKIC was hosting. Now I know some of you couldn’t be there, so I figured I’d share some of my notes with you… Ain’t I a swell guy? […]

[Detailed Notes] The Ultimate Sales Letter

I have detailed notes for you on The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy.  Feel free to print them out and keep them handy when you’re creating your next sales letter or marketing campaign.  Enjoy! Detailed Notes from The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy The goal is understanding.  To persuade someone, to motivate someone, […]