I’m sure you’re immersed in the newest No B.S. Marketing Letter (was delivered this week), collecting as much information as you can in that brain of yours, so you can implement what you learn into your business and watch it grow Grow GROW!
As you know, I absolutely love using direct-mail. I’m big on sending 3D Mail, postcards, lumpy mail…. heck, anything that will get my prospects to open and read my message (hmmm… I just may send a wood postcard to some prospects…”How ‘Wood’ You…” Oh I crack myself up).
Well, as I was reading through this month’s edition of the No B.S. Marketing Letter, I couldn’t help but notice Dan was talking a lot about offline marketing and direct-mail.
*”On September 30, CNBC reported that 94% of all U.S. commerce is conducted offline.”
Did you get that?? 94% of ALL U.S. COMMERCE IS CONDUCTED OFFLINE. That means, according to Dan’s math skills, 6% of U.S. commerce is conducted online.
Can you believe that? Everyone thinks snail mail is dead. They think getting “likes” on Facebook is where the money is at (if you’re working on getting as many “likes” on Facebook as you can, please email or call me and let me know how much money each “like” is putting into your bank account… I’m going to be a mind reader for a second… You have NO clue. Right? Am I right? Yeah, I’m right).
Here’s another for you… *According to TargetMarketingMag.com, reporting USPS and DMA data, 9/14, in 2013, Mailers spent $45,000,000,000 (yes, $45-Billion) on direct-mail. Increased from 2013. Wow.
Here are some of the Top 50 Mailers of 2013 as measured by volume (Click Here to get a PDF of the Top 50):
- American Express
- Omaha Steaks
- Kohl’s
- Dell
- Macy’s
- Verizon
Look, you can’t just concentrate on online marketing. If Direct-Mail was dead, do you think these GIANTS would be wasting their money on a marketing media that doesn’t work? Of course not.
I send a lot of direct-mail. Heck, I’m the only affiliate marketer I know who actually sends 3D Mail to prospects and clients. Everyone else sticks to the internet (Oh, and I forgot to mention… Follow the herd and get slaughtered with the herd). Now, I’m not against online marketing, but you can’t ignore offline marketing. IT JUST WORKS.
So, what kind of marketing are you doing? Are you mainly using online or offline marketing, or a little bit of both? How can you integrate both to get maximum profits?
Be sure to comment below and…
Go take action!
*Information from the November 2014 issue of the No B.S. Marketing Letter. Want to test drive the No B.S. Marketing Letter for two months, FREE? Visit: GKICGold.com and you’ll get a free marketing kit and two month’s free of the GKIC Gold Membership (Just pay $19.95 for shipping, since this is a real product, delivered by a real postal worker, into your real mailbox).