A Guaranteed Way To Get All Of The Leads You Need To Your Business
So You End Up With More Money In Your Pocket
And All Of The Free Time You Need To Do The Things You Love
Before I got into Direct-Response Marketing, I first started in real estate and my broker told me, “Here’s your desk and phone. Go get ‘em.” After a few phone calls I thought there had to be another way to get listings, but I didn’t know what to do.
Fast forward to the present, I’m now creating the marketing for a top-producing Real Estate Agent and the creator of her successful marketing campaigns for listings (How does a 5,473% Return On Investment sound to you?). Everything I’ve learned about marketing began with signing up for the FREE Marketing Kit you see below. That’s why I’m offering this to you today.
Here’s What You Can Implement Right Away:
- 13 Must Have Direct-Response Marketing Principles
- How to Write “Million Dollar Ads” and Sales Letters for use Online and Offline
- The 10 Big Breakthroughs in Business Life
- And Productivity Strategies
You, too, can create successful, money-making, marketing campaigns to get unlimited supply of leads to your business. All you need to do is think “outside of the box.” **Following the herd will only get your slaughtered**
Now, you’re probably wondering… “David, why in the world would GKIC give me a FREE Marketing Kit? What’s in it for them?” Well, once you get your FREE Marketing Kit, you’ll noticed all the jam packed “ready to implement in your business” marketing information, and you’ll be wondering why you didn’t get your kit sooner. GKIC knows, once the money starts pouring into your business you’ll be more than happy to buy products from them, which, in turn, will provide even more money for you!
So, sign up today to get your FREE Marketing Kit. Here’s what you will get:
Your FREE Marketing Kit of
$633.91 worth of pure Money-Making Information includes:
- The GKIC University Program: Series of 3 DVDs (Value of $387);
- 2 Months of The No B.S. Marketing Letter Including GOLD Audio CD Interviews with
Experts (Value of $119.94)($59.97 per month thereafter);
- The Swipe & Deploy (S&D) Money-Making Resource of the Month (Value is Priceless);
- The New Member Income Explosion Guide (Value of $29.97);
- FAST START Audio CD with Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, and Lee Milteer (Value of $97);
- And Much MORE (including 2 Additional Gifts)!!
All you have to do is pay for the shipping and handling of $19.95 (Note: This is a physical product that is sent to you by mail. Since this is a real product, it’s delivered by a real postal worker, into your real mailbox. My GUARANTEE to you: I’m confident, if you implement just one technique from your FREE Marketing Kit, you’ll find tremendous value and you’ll be wondering why you didn’t claim your free Marketing Kit sooner. So, if you signed up through my affiliate link, after two months if you implemented what you learn and feel this is not right for you, send me a message and I’ll refund your $19.95 for shipping. So, now you have ZERO RISK!). Skip a couple trips to Starbucks and you’ll be on your way to a new world of marketing and more money in your pockets.
It’s time to think outside of the box and get those listings. Are you ready?

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I’ll be happy to talk with you! 440-447-0852 or David@DukeOfMarketing.com
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**DISCLOSURE: In the spirit of full disclosure, this is an affiliate link, which means that I will get a commission if you decide to purchase anything from GKIC. I only recommend products & systems that I use or know will help you and your business grow, so I know you’ll be in good hands.