How Could You Not…

Build a WebsiteSeriously… How, in 2013, could you NOT have a website for your business? 

According to a survey from Yodle, Many small business owners are still not adopting modern technology and marketing approaches.  Although just over one in two SMB owners (51%) use technology to help with accounting operations, this dwarfs technology utilization for appointment booking and scheduling (39%), customer relationship management (34%), point-of-sale systems (25%), and acquisition marketing (14%).  Additionally, more than half of SMB owners do not have a website (52%) or even measure the results of their marketing programs (56%).”

This must be some kind of joke.  Please, tell me this is a joke!

Ugh.  So, 52% of Small Business Owners do not have a website.  It’s no surprise 56% don’t even measure their results from their marketing campaigns.

One thing we learn from Dan Kennedy at is Track and Test all of your marketing campaigns. Hold every campaign accountable (Looks like I got a little side tracked… back to the websites)!

When ever I need to search for a local business I go on Google and put in the keywords I’m looking for.  A bunch of businesses usually pop up, so now… which one do I choose?  Well, I can tell you one thing, I certainly don’t choose the business that doesn’t have a website. 

I’ve seen businesses with a Facebook page, but not a website?  Seriously?!!!  

Look, there is NO excuse not to have a website for your business.  Domain names are practically free these days.  Hosting is about $50-100 a year (Here’s 50% off your hosting: Click Here—–> 50% off Hosting for your Website at!).  Now there is no excuse not to setup a website.

You can even just have a one page website with your business name, contact info and where you are located.  At least people will know that you mean business and that you’re not some fly-by-night chop shop.

Just imagine how much business you are losing just because you want to save a few bucks by not having a website.

Comment below and invite me to your new business website! 

Now go take action!

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