How To Use Print Marketing For ANYTHING

As I told you on Monday, I decided to go get a J-O-B.

It was a tough decision, but it was definitely an AWESOME experience… and I’m not just talking about the J-O-B, but how I ended up with this J-O-B.

So many moons ago, waaay back in the year 2005 (You know, the days when smartphones were the thing of the future) I was working in real estate but wasn’t “makin’ it.”  So I needed to get another job.  But I wasn’t one to go out and expose myself.  I’m an introvert by nature so I did the only thing I could think of… Pass out flyers in affluent neighborhoods looking for a job.

And guess what?!  I got a job!  You can read about the experience HERE.

So, back in April/May of last year (2016… It’s so new in the New Year I always get confused when people say last year as in are they referring to 2016 or 2015…), I decided I wanted to go get a normal J-O-B.  I told my cousin and he said, “Why don’t you do what you did back in the day and pass out flyers!”

Bingo!  A lightbulb went off.

Yeah, why not?!  I have nothing to lose and it’s a creative idea.

So, I went to work on creating this Job Wanted flyer and planned my routes on where I’d pass them out at.

Now, I must admit, I had to humble myself and embarrass myself a little, but it got the point across.

And… I’m going to share it with you here:

Yep, so there it is.

I’m two for two with getting a J-O-B with flyers.

Here’s the stats of the flyer:

  • 642 flyers passed out
  • 4 responses (two emails and two phone calls)
  • 2 job offers

And here’s the stats on the 4 responses.

One was the owner of a company (which on now work for).  Another one was a lady who emailed me to tell me that her boss gave her the flyer, and that she wanted to reach out to me to let me know that her husband just got a job at FedEx, so she knew they were hiring.  The third person called me to say their boss gave them the flyer and that they were hiring people for their warehouse (this was a pretty big company).

And the last person was an insurance agent, and not just any insurance agent… my mom’s insurance agent!  haha  She didn’t know who I was at the time, although I met her before, but when I was on the phone with her I told her and then we had a good 30 minute chat.  She offered me a job on the spot, but I decided to learn some International Purchasing instead.  🙂 

This just goes to show you can use marketing for anything.  And I mean ANYTHING.

Never Spot Trying.  Always Be Creative.  Never Be Boring.



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