Talk talk talk. That’s all I did.
I would talk about starting a marketing campaign or start talking about exercising or talking about starting a business.
You know what I did? NOTHING.
I was a talker, not a doer.
I kept saying to myself, “I’ll start tomorrow.” Well, guess what… tomorrow NEVER EVER comes.
It was about a year and a half ago I started toying with direct-response marketing for real estate. I picked up a few direct-response marketing books (My favorites are Dan Kennedy’s books), and I started to implement some things I learned.
I then joined GKIC (aka: Planet Dan to all us members… You can also get a free marketing kit and a two month test drive of the No B.S. Marketing Letter by going to, you just have to pay the shipping) where learned about massive implementation.
That is, throwing 10 darts at the dart board all at once and getting one bullseye. I started taking massive action in real estate. Changed up our website, started sending out 3D mail (You can check out one of my 3D mail posts by clicking HERE), sending direct-response postcards, and using the post office’s EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail).
What happened when I started doing all these things? We started getting more listings!! Some worked better than others. Sending direct-response postcards to homesellers in our farm area asking if they would like a free homeseller’s guide is the fasted way to get a response, but we found out they take the longest time to list because they are usually starting the process of thinking about selling their house.
That’s were following up comes to play.
3D mail works… we send them to expired listings, but there are only so many expired listings, and we are picking to who we send it to.
Since we have many different marketing campaigns working at the same time we seem to be getting a nice flow of business.
That’s why, massive implementation is sooo important. You need to be doing 10 different marketing campaigns to see what works, what doesn’t work, find out what works faster than others, etc. You want to always have a flow of clients coming through your doors.
Look at the successful people you know. They are implementers! If they’re working out, they find new exercises to try and they see what works and doesn’t work. In their business they’re trying new marketing campaigns (both online and offline). They are always implementing!
Don’t be afraid to fall on your face. We all do. If you want to be successful you need to get back up and keep implementing!
Now go take action!!!