Ever go shopping at a retail store and then some product stops you in your tracks and you think, “I just gotta have this!” I’m sure you have… because we all have!
In today’s post, I’m sharing with you Dan Kennedy’s Million Dollar Marketing Lesson about “The Powerful Magnetism of ‘Gotta Have This.'”
Dan will go over offering a free item (Freemium) or to be offered as a premium just to list build. You may have heard… the money is in the list.
Without further ado, here’s Dan Kennedy’s Million Dollar Marketing Lesson (from the September 2015 issue of the *No B.S. Marketing Letter {60-day test drive offer below}). Click on the picture to make it bigger so it’s easier to read:
Two key points:
- Offer the extremely appealing, irresistible doodad that your target prospects just have to have, either as a free item just to list build, sometimes called a ‘freemium,’ or as a premium driving a sale.
- Figure out and offer the “HAVE TO HAVE” freemium to appropriate prospects, and they’ll line up to get into your circus tent!
So, I ask you, what have you offered to line up prospects at your door?! If nothing, what are you going to do about it?? How about a… FREEMIUM?!!
Be sure to leave your answers in the comments below.
Now go take action!
*How would you like to take a 60-Day test drive of the GKIC Gold Membership including the No B.S. Marketing Letter and receive a FREE Marketing Kit (Just pay $19.95 for shipping since the marketing kit is shipped directly to your door via FedEx)?!! You can go directly to www.NoBSMarketingLetter.com or visit my video that shows everything you’ll get with the 60-Day test drive GKIC Gold Membership by Clicking Here.