Marketing Mistake Number 7:
You worked so hard on your marketing campaign to bring in new prospects but you didn’t follow up?? WHY NOT?!!
Following up with your prospects and current customers is sooo overlooked, it’s not even funny.
You MUST have a follow up system in place with all of your marketing. Is it a follow up email. Maybe a postcard. How about picking up the phone and giving your prospects a call (Scary, I know. But you can do it!). Maybe create some Facebook Ads.
See, most people do the “one and done” type of marketing. That’s where they decide they’ll send out a postcard one time. Maybe it’s one ad on Facebook. Or, maybe it’s a “thank you for doing business with us” letter. Then, they never do anything else.
And, if the “one and done” doesn’t work, they feel that form of media doesn’t work. Or, they feel the whole marketing campaign was a waste. But, that may not be the problem…
The Real Problem Is Not Having A Follow Up System
Think about all the businesses who took down your contact info. Did you ever hear from them? I’m sure you’ve heard from some of them and the others probably vanished out of thin air. Once you heard from them, did they ever follow up after the initial contact? Sadly, most businesses don’t.
Here’s what I want you do to. I want you to get on a mailing list. Yes, you’re going to get bombarded with marketing from this company, but it’s for your own good. You need to see how it’s done so you can implement a follow up system into your marketing. I could sit here and tell you all about it, but it’s not as good as if you’re actually on their mailing list.
You need to visit and get on their mailing list.
I highly recommend buying something from them to get on their mailing list (If you do decide to buy something, Click Here and get FREE Shipping and Setup when you use promo code ‘FREESHS‘), but you don’t have to. If you scroll towards the bottom you’ll see a banner that says, “Get Your FREE Personalized Sample.” Click that banner and follow the instructions.
You’ll soon get your free sample and you’ll be on their mailing list. Pay attention to how they market to you. You’ll start getting more free samples in the mail. You’ll start getting a bunch of email promotions from them. You’ll noticed when you go on Facebook you’ll start seeing their ads (heck, not just Facebook, but any site that has Google Adwords you’ll starts seeing their ads… and some of them will be personalized).
You see, by me telling you this you’ll get a sense of a great follow up system. But, it really gets into your brain when you see it in action.
How’d I get on’s mailing list? Whelp, I formed an LLC and a month later they sent me a free sample of their squiggle pen with my info on it. I was sold.
Ever since I bought from them, they send me new sample pens (about one a month), send me emails with special offers, and follow me along my journey on the internet (oh, and a lot of times their ads online have my info on it!!!… Talk about marketing).
Your Plan of Action:
- Visit and sign up for their mailing list. Again, I recommend buying something to get on their list, but you don’t have to. Scroll to the bottom of their site and you’ll see a banner that says, ““Get Your FREE Personalized Sample.” Click that banner and follow the instructions.
- Once you’re on mailing list, but sure to study and take notes and see how they follow up with you. What forms of media are they using? What kind of offers? Notice their Call-to-Actions.
You just learned all 7 Marketing Mistakes you’re making in your business and how to fix them.
Tomorrow, you’ll receive a list of Dan Kennedy’s 10 No B.S. Marketing Rules along with a *Special Offer* to receive Dan’s No B.S. Direct Marketing book for FREE (Only pay Shipping… Not a bad deal in my book).
So be on the lookout and be sure is in your “safe senders” list. You don’t want to miss out on these 10 No B.S. Marketing Rules along with your special offer!
Click the links below to go to the previous lessons:
Marketing Mistake Number 1: Not Sending the RIGHT MESSAGE
Marketing Mistake Number 2: Not Targeting the RIGHT MARKET
Marketing Mistake Number 3: Not Using the RIGHT MEDIA
Marketing Mistake Number 4: Not Sending at the RIGHT TIME
Marketing Mistake Number 5: Not Having an OFFER
Marketing Mistake Number 6: Not Having a Clear CALL-TO-ACTION