Pete The Printer


David Hunter here, the Duke of Marketing.

You’re probably wondering, “Where the heck is Pete-the-Printer???”

Yeah, well, I’ve been wondering that too.

You probably heard about him from Dan Kennedy or one of the other top marketing gurus.  Well, I’ve done some research and can find very little about him.

**UPDATE:  Guess what?!!  I got an update on Pete the Printer.  He’s no longer printing for the general public, but still prints for his coaching clients.  So, if you’re interested in his coaching program then send me a message and I’ll forward your contact information to him.**

Anywho, if you’re looking for a great printer check out Jeff Detmer at  He’ll be able to take care of all your needs and he’s on Planet Dan.

Oh, and before you go… don’t forget to subscribe to Duke of Marketing with the sign-up form in the top right sidebar and you’ll learn the 7 marketing mistakes you’re making (If you’ve read up on Dan Kennedy, then this will be a Great refresher) and how to fix them.

Now go take action!