When you’re creating a new marketing campaign, do you sometimes just stare into space not sure what to do?
Well, when creating a new marketing campaign, one of the popular copywriting formulas you can use is:
You first want to address your prospects PROBLEM. Then you want to AGITATE the problem by stirring up discomfort. Then, you SOLVE the problem by giving a solution.
Here’s a great infomercial from The Animal Foundation using the Problem – Agitate – Solve formula along with many other great marketing points… Can you spot them?
I laughed really hard when I first saw this infomercial. At first I thought it was a joke, but if you follow the link (www.NewPetNow.com) you can see they’re for real. And, when you study the video they actually did a really good job with their marketing!
First off, as I mentioned above they used the Problem – Agitate – Solve copywriting formula. Can you spot them??
Here’s Other Great Marketing Points:
- Features: Mentions what the Pet Dog can be (Alarm system, concierge, body pillow, gardener, etc.)
- Benefits: They’ll clean up.
- Call-to-Action: “Contact The Animal Foundation at NewPetNow.com today.”
- Sense of Urgency: “Order in the next 30 minutes and we’ll throw in…”
- Bonus: Instant Gym Attachment (and includes a benefit… “watch those pounds melt away.”)
- Guarantee: “All Pets Come With A Lifetime Supply Of Unconditional Love!!!” Though, it would have been better if they would have mentioned “guarantee.” So it could have read, “All Pets Come With A Lifetime Supply Of Unconditional Love, Guaranteed!”
Did you spot all these marketing points? See something I missed?
Be sure to leave your comment below.
Now go take action!
Really great post David. Love how you used an example of the ‘PROBLEM – AGITATE – SOLVE’ formula to make it super clear. Nice work.
Thanks, Greg!
Keep on rockin’ your Bum Gun book!