Hola! I hope your 2019 is off to a winning start!
Mine?… not so much. Started off the year with a cold that spread to my eyes giving me Pink Eyes (Fun-fun). And, as you can see, I’ve already started neglecting the articles here. But, those are just excuses.
So here I am. I thought I give you a little “recap” of the December 2018 issue of the No B.S. Marketing Letter of what I got highlighted and some things to thing about. Most, if not all, are thoughts from the Millionaire Marketing Maker, Dan Kennedy.
Let’s get started shall we?!
- The Rich ‘n Successful Work. (Who knew?!!)
- The formula: Raised worth (+ marketing of it) attracts raised compensation.
- You need to act with daily consistency to make yourself worth more.
- “If you’re going to bother to think, you might as well Think Big.” -Donald Trump
- Don’t Hire. Recruit.
- Recruit for attitude and character. You can teach aptitude.
- All but one of the clients I work with directly and have intimate knowledge of their finances increased two things this year ending: one, their incomes. Two, their use of direct-mail. (Dan Kennedy)
- It is more useful not to be protected, coddled, cocooned, safe from every offense or injury; learning to be a survivor.
- You can find statistics to support any thesis.
- There’s a journal for everything.
- You are not caged by any inviolable have-to’s. There are no such things, period. All tolls are paid voluntarily.
- It’s not just the money you make, but how you make the money.
- Whatever you do, achieving any significant success with it will compel you onto some toll roads. But you can choose.
- Think! Reason!
“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” -Pelé
Whelp, there you have it. A “little” recap of the December 2018 issue of the No B.S. Marketing Letter.
Now go take action!
If you’re interested in getting your own copy of the No B.S. Marketing Letter and a FREE marketing kit, then visit www.NoBSMarketingLetter.com and your free marketing kit will be on it’s way, and you’ll instantly get access to digital copies of the current and past issues of the No B.S. Marketing Letter!