It’s been one your since I was sending out regular postcards to home sellers whose houses have expired off the MLS (I’ve sinced changed to 3D Mail. Click Here to check out my 3D Mailings).
It was a series of seven postcards that I thought were funny (Guess what… funny doesn’t sell). Anywho, my boss and I decided to start writing handwritten notes on the postcards. Well, we got a call from one home seller who said they kept getting phone calls and other postcards in the mail, but she liked ours because we took the time to write a little note.
By the time she called us, she said she was listing with another Realtor, but wanted to let us know that she really appreciated the note.
Well, guess what happened? It’s been one year and the house never sold and expired off the MLS. We followed up with the seller with another handwritten letter, this time in an envelope (like the ones you would get from Hallmark). The seller called us up and said she wants us to list her house because we are the only ones who took the time to write a note.
I know you have all heard about this before, but… I can’t stress enough how important it is to start writing handwritten letters to current, past, and future clients. No emails, no phone calls, a good ole fashioned handwritten letter! It will go a looong way.
Also, there is another important secret in this post… Post a comment if you know what it is.
Now go take action!