You know what really grinds my gears?! All of the businesses doing the same type of marketing their competitors are doing and getting lousy results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ARRRRGH! This drives me crazy.
Here I am, doing marketing for the real estate business by using 3D mail, Angie’s List (I believe Angie’s List doesn’t get the credit it deserves… You know why??? Because it WORKS!), Zillow, and mailings for our buyers (Yes, we mail out postcards for our buyers… but that’s our little secret 😉 ), AND all of these other real estate agents are still doing their crappy Just List / Just Sold cards.
Sure, Just List / Just Sold cards work for real estate agents in the long run because it’s “branding,” but branding comes with extravagant marketing! Put some offers on those postcards and gets some listings. **Remember: CALL TO ACTION!**
Ugh, this really makes me want to pull out all of the brown hairs (well, a few gray strands… eek!) out of my head.
Throw in an offer on ALL. OF. YOUR. MARKETING. Seriously, do it, NOW! You’re making me angry by sitting here reading my blog post when you should be changing all of your ordinary, lousy, ads to extravagant money-making machines. Make prospects take the money out of their pockets and into yours.
So, what are you doing differently in your business so you get customers lining up at your door? Are you doing what your competitors are doing or are you being EXTRAVAGANT?!
Now go take action!