What Was The Best Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial?

Did you watch the Super Bowl commercials this year?

Which commercial was your favorite?

I always like Budweiser’s commercials.  They always hit the emotional button.

But, even Budweiser’s commercials, they were all pretty bad on the job they’re supposed to do… Marketing!  I didn’t even know what half the commercials were marketing until the very end when they flashed their logo. 

Only one commercial really stood out.  The one that stood out had a real CALL TO ACTION.

Do you know which commercial I’m talking about?  You should…

It’s…………. Esurance!  It probably cost $100 bucks to make the commercial, but it hit the mark.  It had a clear CALL TO ACTION.  The host said to hashtag EsuranceSave30 on Twitter for a chance to win $1,500,000!  I was on my Twitter and it just blew up with the EsuranceSave30 hashtag. 

Now that’s a winner in my book!  It wasn’t the most creative, wasn’t the funniest, but it did what its supposed to do… It tells you what to do next.  And, the people responded.

This is what you need to do with ALL OF YOUR MARKETING.  Have a clear CALL TO ACTION.

Now, without further ado, here’s the ad if you missed it:

Comment below and let me know what you think.

Now go take action!

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