What’s The Difference Between Winners And Losers?




Do you want to know the difference between Winners and Losers?  Yes?  Good, because I’m going to tell you.


Winners take action.  Winners make things happen.  Yeah, so what you implement isn’t “perfect” or the best looking thing.  But, you know what?  You took action!  That’s better than being a loser who doesn’t take any action, or keeps making excuses of why they need to wait to implement something (because timing isn’t perfect, don’t have the right layout, scared of failure, etc.).

You see, when I started in real estate, I didn’t have a clue how to market, so I didn’t do it.  I didn’t send out postcards when I listed a property.  I didn’t send out mailings to expired listings.  Heck, I didn’t do anything (Maybe that’s why I failed in real estate the first time around… hmmm…).

So, a few years later I get into real estate again.  This time working for a top producing agent.  We always sent out postcards when we got a new listing to the area around the house.  They were the plan old Just Listed postcards that I’m sure you have seen from your local Realtors.

Every once-in-a-while we would get a phone call from someone who kept getting our postcards and wanted to talk with us about listing their house.  By taking action we got a lead.

I Learned About Direct-Response Marketing

After learning about Direct-Response Marketing, I started to change the postcards and mailings we sent out.  Over time, we would get more and more leads AND… you know what that leads to… more MONEY.

Now, I look back at our original postcards and can’t believe how much they have changed.  I never took action, we may still be sending out the same old postcards, or none at all.  I’ve also created an expired mailing campaign that gave a 2.4% response rate.

The expired mailing campaign has since changed to 3D mailings (Click Here  or Here to see some posts I did on the 3D mailings) which is off to a slow start, but, you know what… I’m taking ACTION.  And, I’m sure this too will evolve over time.

Oh, take a look at the car designs throughout the years.  I can’t believe how much cars have evolved throughout the years.  Could you image if the car makers decided to stop making cars until they had the ultimate motor vehicle that is perfect in every way?  Why there would be no cars.

So, think about this the next time you are trying to get the perfect marketing campaign created (nothing is perfect).  Heck, want to lose weight?  Take ACTION.

Action is the key to success.

Now go take ACTION!

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